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Skyhigh Paragliding Club

Portland 2023 Fly-in

Thu, 26 Jan 2023
2023-01-26 08:00
2023-01-29 16:00


Portland, Vic


Australia Day Weekend 26th-29th of Jan 2023


Free for Skyhigh Members or South Australian Members


Portland offers coastal flying. It has sites/s for nearly all wind directions, and offers a few varieties of coastal flying.

Flying activities

Top Landing practice

Beach launching practice

Ground handling practice


Most people usually pick their spot in the Portland Bay caravan park, its located right next to one of the launch sites, but there are a lot of different types of accommodation available in and around Portland if you prefer something else for yourself or your family.

Safety requirements

Radio Programmed to Channel 16 TSQL 97.4


Other information

We will have an official group chat on Telegram to keep you updated on rides to the various Portland sites, changes in the schedule, pub meals etc. To join the group chat simply copy the link below into your Telegram app: https://t.me/+lyrrHwcBCTI2MmE1

Ticket Type Price
Portland 2023 Fly-in $0.00 Sale Ended
Portland VIC 3305, Australia

Victoria, Australia